Water is the world’s most important resource for survival. So ensuring it’s attainable and accessible for use when we need it, most especially with the unpredictability of droughts and natural disasters, is crucial.
Whether for personal or commercial use, geomembrane liners can help achieve the preservation of mother nature’s precious resource. These liners have a variety of uses. Everything from watershed ponds and stormwater management to storage reservoirs and irrigation ponds. Containment systems of every size can greatly benefit from these liners.
To understand more about how geomembrane liners can save you time and money, we’ll cover these three things:
● What is a geomembrane liner
● Benefits of using a liner
● What to look for when selecting a liner
What is a geomembrane liner?
A geomembrane liner is a non porous barrier designed to retain liquids in various vessels such as watershed ponds, lakes, lagoons, storage reservoirs, retention basins, and irrigation ponds. Geomembrane liners hold water in place and act as a barrier between the earth and its aquifers.
Benefits of using a liner
Of course, not all water contaminants require a liner. However, it can be greatly beneficial to install one for the preservation and longevity of your resources.
There are several benefits of using a geomembrane liner. Here are a few.
● Water retention: One of the most common reasons for using a liner is to keep water from seeping back into the soil. Depending on the purpose of water storage and the elemental factors of its location, different types of liners should be used to ensure the most efficient use.
● Protection against the elements: Liners not only keep water from seepage, but they also protect the water from the soil by keeping it as clean as possible.
● Reduces maintenance frequency: Much like other types of liners, having a geomembrane liner that feeds the needs and purpose of the water containment, reduces the need for frequent replenishment.
● Protection from contaminated water: Geomembrane liners also protect aquifers and watersheds from defiled water.
What to look for when selecting a geomembrane liner
There are several types of liners that can be used for various applications. Making sure you choose the one that best fits your needs is essential. A certified expert at Carson can help pick the type that would best suit your needs.
Here are a few key things to look for when selecting a liner.
Puncture resistant: Not all materials are created equal. When looking into a liner, it’s important to use the guidance of a professional who knows the industry. Different types of uses and different types of environments can play a big part. Be sure the type of liner you use is not easily susceptible to tears and lacerations.
Formulated to withstand UV exposure: Additionally, geomembrane liners should be able to withstand a particular level of ultraviolet (UV) exposure. In areas with more exposure to direct sunlight and UV rays, it is key to use liners that are made for that type of circumstance.
Configured for optimum contraction and expansion tolerances: Because the earth is always changing, it’s important that the geomembrane liner you use can “breathe” with the environment. Ensuring the material can tolerate such fluctuation is important.
NSF 61 approved materials for potable water: If you are containing potable water, it is especially crucial that the type of liner you use has materials that are NSF 61 approved. Not only does this ensure the ability to hold the water well, but it also ensures that water is safe to consume.
Type of material
Depending on what type of job your containment storage is expected to do, there are several different types of materials to consider. HDPE – woven heavy-weight polyethylene, RPP reinforced polypropylene, RPE reinforced polyethylene, EPDM ethylene propylene diene monomer, CSPE chlorosulfonated polyethylene and PVC polyvinyl chloride liners are just a few options for water containment liners. Connecting with a professional who can walk you through the process is key to ensuring the longevity of your liner.
These are just a few key things to look out for when selecting a liner. However, these are some additional things to consider. Be sure the liner you use is fish and plant safe, environmentally friendly, durable, and long-lasting. It should pass rigorous inspection and testing. It should also be custom fabricated to meet your needs to the best of its ability.
Next step, set up a consultation with one of our experts to discuss how pond liners can help you save thousands of dollars. In this article, you learned what geomembrane liners are, the benefits of having a liner, and what to look for in a liner. Let’s chat.